Category Archives: British Wildlife

My photograph of the month for December

On a walk in my local patch, I passed the scots pines as I usually do. I very nearly didn’t see this Great Spotted Woodpecker, sat very still and very low on the tree trunk. I almost mistook it for a sculpted model! While I kept my distance so as not to disturb it, the woodpecker remained on its vertical perch for quite sometime. A fantastic view of a brilliant bird!

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My photographs of the month for September and October

Here is my photographs for September and October. A little late but I hope that you enjoy them!

A moody, grey September day was prefect for a wild walk. All the hallmarks of autumn could be seen, felt and smelt. Trees laden with berries, but bare of leaves. Mushrooms pushing up through the fallen foliage. Birds everywhere, taking advantage of the time of plenty.

I saw this crow strutting across the ground, before picking a higher vantage point in the bare branches of a birch tree. So picture perfect I lifted my camera and this was the result!

Another autumnal day, this time the air was crisp and cold but the light was warm and golden. A great day to visit the park and watch the cheeky squirrels squabble over conkers and berries.

I watched one run down a yew tree trunk, completely oblivious to me. I managed to catch the very moment the squirrel noticed me!


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My photograph of the month for May and June

A little catch up on my photographs for the last two months.

May’s photograph was an easy choice, on a daily exercise I had the good fortune to see three foxes hunting in an open field. I was able to stand and watch them for a long 15 minutes before I was noticed. Incredible opportunity to see such beautiful animals on the hunt!

05 May

With June being the month of the Wildlife Trust’s #30DaysWild, I had so many wild moments and photographs to choose from. It was a hard to pick just one photo. I settled on a family photo of the Peregrine Falcons of Worcester Cathedral!

06 June

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#30DaysWild – Day 20 – Beautiful butterflies!

I haven’t seen many species of butterflies or individuals this year, especially compared to previous years. I’m not seeing the numbers I normally do, which is rather worrying. So while I was out, it was rather lovely to see quite a few fluttering about today. I shall be looking out for more butterflies throughout the rest of the summer, I hope I see more of these stunning insects.

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#30DaysWild – Day 18 – Walking in the Rain!

When I looked out of the window this morning I was disappointed to see the clouds and rain. Even though it wasn’t the hot sunny day I had hoped for, I resolved that I would still go out for a walk.

I stayed local, walking along the canal near to me. It was a very peaceful, I watched the ripples on the surface of the water while listening to raindrops on the leaves above me. The ducks also seemed to be enjoying the weather!

I was pleasantly surprised to a fair amount of insects. Most perched on the reeds that lined the water way.

It was a worth while walk, even if I returned home more than a little damp!


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#30DaysWild – Day 15 – Urban wild!

With some shops carefully reopening today, I decided to head to Birmingham. It was the first time I had been to a city in many months. I had 2 goals in mind; visit the comic book shops and enjoy some urban wildlife.

During the walk between the 2 shops, I came across a dropped take-away. Cans left on a step, packages kicked down the street and a pile of chips. It looked a mess, and I was not impressed. But then I spotted a sharp eyed starling, it flew to the top of the doorway above the litter and from a safe distance surveyed the potential meal. Then the glossy bird flew down and sauntered upto the chips. Quickly the Starling selected one and started to peck at it. A few people passed by so the hungry bird flew a couple of meters away with the chosen chip in its beak. It was there the Starling finished its meal in peace!

In terms of my shopping, I had success! I brought two graphic novels and a few comics. Animal themed heroes of course: Ant Man, Blue Beetle and Animal Man. Now I’m going to enjoy the rest of evening, relaxing and reading!

Starling (1)Starling (2)Starling (3)Starling (4)Starling (5)

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#30DaysWild – Day 14 – Burbage Common

I haven’t been to Burbage Common for quite a while, so today it was really nice to visit an old familiar wild site.

I walked through the peaceful gorgeous woodland, surrounded by lush vegetation and birdsong. I spotted a miniscule spider spinning a new web on a small sapling. I was of course delighted to see the obligatory squirrels that come with such a beautiful woodland.

As I wandered a little further I came to a gateway that open onto a meadow, full of buttercups and ox eye daisies. Butterflies that danced above the wildflowers and grasses. The beetles and bees were more busy, flying directly from flower to flower, but taking the time to drink from the colourful blooms.

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#30DaysWild – Day 11 – A great day for bugs!

The weather was so miserable this morning, so I was very glad when the sun came out in the afternoon. Even though the wind still blew, the sun shined through and it was a lovely day to be out. I also noticed that the bugs had embraced the warmth and were out in force. The flowers were covered in bees, beetles and flies, a few butterflies and damselflies braved the breeze. I saw amazingly camouflaged spider on a lichen covered stone wall, closer to the ground the wall had become mossy, perfect for a tiny snail.

Invertebrate are incredible, whether they are mollusc, arachnids or insects. They deserve a closer look!

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#30DaysWild – Day 10 – Watched and listened to the birds!

I took a slow meander along the canal local to me. I took my time and watched the swallows glide just above the surface of the water avoiding the cute fluffy ducklings following their mum down stream. I listened to the blackbirds, wrens and chiffchaffs. Further along I saw 2 herons flying in the distance,while a flock a long-tailed tits passed on long the hedgerow beside me.

I caught some of this as a video and as photographs, so I could share my blissful wild walk with you here.


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#30DaysWild – Day 9 – Watched a Peregrine Falcon!

Whenever I pass a church with a spire, I always have a good peer. Any windows or stone carvings can make good perches for birds-of-prey.

Today it paid off, passing through a town where I had heard there was a Peregrine Falcon. I spied a powerful preening Peregrine sat up high on a church spire. What a beautiful sight!


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