My photograph of the month for December

On a walk in my local patch, I passed the scots pines as I usually do. I very nearly didn’t see this Great Spotted Woodpecker, sat very still and very low on the tree trunk. I almost mistook it for a sculpted model! While I kept my distance so as not to disturb it, the woodpecker remained on its vertical perch for quite sometime. A fantastic view of a brilliant bird!

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My photograph of the month for November

During November I managed to spot a favourite perch for two local buzzards, a telegraph pole in a wide open field. A fantastic view of these stunning birds-of-prey and a great opportunity to take photographs. I took a lot of photographs, and this is my favourite, I hope you like it too!


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My photographs of the month for September and October

Here is my photographs for September and October. A little late but I hope that you enjoy them!

A moody, grey September day was prefect for a wild walk. All the hallmarks of autumn could be seen, felt and smelt. Trees laden with berries, but bare of leaves. Mushrooms pushing up through the fallen foliage. Birds everywhere, taking advantage of the time of plenty.

I saw this crow strutting across the ground, before picking a higher vantage point in the bare branches of a birch tree. So picture perfect I lifted my camera and this was the result!

Another autumnal day, this time the air was crisp and cold but the light was warm and golden. A great day to visit the park and watch the cheeky squirrels squabble over conkers and berries.

I watched one run down a yew tree trunk, completely oblivious to me. I managed to catch the very moment the squirrel noticed me!


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My photograph of the month for August

I didn’t have a photo for August until the very last day of the month.

On a short walk in my neighbourhood, I saw some Swallows flying low over the a field. They would swoop low over the grass and then fly up to a branch in the hedgerow that lined the pasture. Waiting impatiently were 5 fledglings, eager to be fed!

I was thrilled to catch a photo of an adult mid-feed while the other hungry offspring continued to call for attention. These may well be the last Swallows of summer!

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A beautiful day to (not) see a vulture!

Having heard about the rare and impressive Lammergeier visiting The Peak District, I was inspired to make a return visit.

The beautiful area was my home for the first few years of my life, and I have made returned visits since, but I hadn’t seen those beautiful rolling hills in about 10 years. It was wonderful to be back there! I headed first to Bakewell, but on seeing the crowds I headed straight out! Then on to Buxton, and from there I made the leap to the last known sighting of the Lammergeier (that day), Ladybower Reservoir. Finding a lay-by where a few other birders had gathered, I stopped and asked them if they had seen the illusive bird. They had watched the vulture fly over at 11:00 that morning, I was a few hours late! But my journey wasn’t in vain, I wanted to visit The Peaks, seeing the Vulture would just be a bonus. So I went on a hike up the heather covered hills. It was beautiful! Well worth the journey!

I had a wonderful day, The Peak District is a beautiful place, I hope I can return again soon!



Big Butterfly Count: Trench Wood

At the start of the Big Butterfly Count, I decided to give myself a bit of a treat … I visited Trench Wood, Worcestershire. I saw Brimstones, Gatekeepers, Meadow browns, Skippers, Ringlets and a super fast Purple Hairstreak. I also saw Fritillaries, so frenetic and flighty, I didn’t stand a chance in photographing them or identifying what species they were! However, I was excited to have my second ever spot of these beautiful butterflies!

I love Trench Wood, it is a wonderful place. So many birds, butterflies and other insects. I am already looking forward to my next visit!

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My photograph of the month for July

I have had the opportunity to explore a few new places this month, including a little wild patch at Polesworth. While there I spotted a Mayfly emerging from its pupa, and preparing to leave its former watery home for a new life in the air. I watched for some time, photographing and rooting for the small creature as it drifted down stream. It was both a special and interesting encounter!


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Australian encounters: Awesome Ants!

Before I got enjoyable engrossed into #30DaysWild, I was posting about my wildlife experiences from my holiday in Australia. February feels like such a long time ago, but I had the good fortune to be able to photograph many different species of wildlife. I have posted most of what I wanted to share with you, but I have two blogs remaining (including this one).

When I was heading out to Australia one of the things I most wanted to do, was find as many different species of Ant as possible. I knew there was some wonderfully unique species to be found on the continent, I also knew that there’s only so much you can see in 2 weeks! I was careful during my searches, as I knew that there were some species to keep a respectful and safe distance!

I was thrilled to see the different species and to witnessed them go about their business. With fascination I watched them forage, feed, fight and preen! Sadly I was not successful with my photos of the bright iridescently green ants. But I do keep re-watching the preening ant video, it looks almost like it is playing shadow puppets!

Ants (1)Ants (2)Ants (3)Ants (4)Ants (5)Ants (6)Ants (7)Ants (8)Ants (9)Ants (10)Ants (11)Ants (12)Ants (13)

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My photograph of the month for May and June

A little catch up on my photographs for the last two months.

May’s photograph was an easy choice, on a daily exercise I had the good fortune to see three foxes hunting in an open field. I was able to stand and watch them for a long 15 minutes before I was noticed. Incredible opportunity to see such beautiful animals on the hunt!

05 May

With June being the month of the Wildlife Trust’s #30DaysWild, I had so many wild moments and photographs to choose from. It was a hard to pick just one photo. I settled on a family photo of the Peregrine Falcons of Worcester Cathedral!

06 June

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My #30DaysWild Highlights

As always, I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in #30DaysWild. This year was no different.

I have had so many amazing wild experiences; watching the Worcester Peregrines, the chip stealing Starling, the Spider at sunset, an Ants’ picnic, visiting Morecambe.

I spotted my first Fritillary!

I got creative too; making models of ants and creating a comic strip.

I shall continue to Stay Wild, enjoying the wildlife that surrounds me everyday. I hope that you do too!

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