Category Archives: Hoverflies

#30DaysWild – Day 3 – A trip to the supermarket!

I wasn’t feeling very adventurous today, but I did need to get some supplies. A trip to the supermarket was in order and maybe I’ll find somewhere green to visit along the way.

Parking up I noticed a magpie and a jay perched up in the trees surrounding the car park. As I got out the car I saw two jackdaws were on the ground nearby searching for scraps.

Walking to the shop, I passed a flowering bush covered with bees. Pausing to admire the busy little pollinators, I heard the iconic ‘witter-wit, witter-wit’ of a goldfinch high up on the tree next to me. That made me smile, I had found the ‘wild’ on a routine visit to the supermarket!

But the wild didn’t stop there! On leaving the shop I saw house sparrows, a pied wagtail, tiny ants toing-and-froing across the pavement, a speedy little wolf spider making a dash across my path, a brightly coloured hoverfly visiting some rogue daisies and most surprising of all, a bee fly!

I never imagined that a simple trip to the supermarket would turn into such a wildlife safari!

Day 3




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Town bound!

It was early October and the morning of my car’s MOT, I knew I was in for a long day. With the car delivered to the garage my day began, 8:30am and I was trapped in Nuneaton.

As none of the shops were open yet, there were only a few shop keepers and early risers milling around. The sharp ‘chis-ic’ call of pied wagtails cut through the quiet streets. High up in the air or on roof tops, these black and white beauties were hard to spot. It was fair to say from the amount of calls that there was quite a few about.

I filled the morning with a wander around the charity shops. I listen out for more pied wagtails and caught a glimpse of a couple of goldfinch. After several extraordinary long hours, I decided lunch was in order.

This decision took me past the over grown, over littered murky waters of a river. In amongst the grime. Two crisp white elegant mute swans dappled in the weeds. There couldn’t be more of a contrast between the beauty of nature and the pollution of man.


The garage called, as I suspected the car needed work. I was to remain in town for a few more hours. Over a pot of tea and a plate of chips I pondered what to do with my afternoon, I was still wondering that as I re-entered the High Street. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a buzzard, I wasn’t expecting that! As I gazed upward and the buzzard glided out of sight, something else caught my attention. A bees nest in a chimney! That sealed the deal. I was going on an urban safari!

I headed for the park, a couple of disinterested mallards paddled by in the small river. A group of pigeons had gathered near the water, they weren’t alone! There was a rat amongst the pigeons! The more I looked the more I saw. One brave soul found some dropped bread on the bank just below my feet. Say what you will about these rodents, these were handsome individuals.


Strolling through the park I saw squirrels and blackbirds eating yew berries. I also say my first (and only) insect of the day – a dronefly.


Back onto the road and passed a church. Starlings hopped about its castellations, while a song thrush perched on the weather vane.


Still no word from the garage and I needed to rest my weary legs. I found a bench and tilted my head towards the sky. Black-headed gulls flew by, their bright white wings catching the sunlight against a cloudy grey sky. A flurry of pigeons appeared, some on street lights others on the ground. Passing school children sent them scattering, only for them to gather ready for the next group of pedestrians. Each time the birds took flight and returned, I got to admire their skillful and graceful flight. Here I remained for quite a while, captivated by unexpected moments of nimble aerobatics. I have always enjoyed watching any bird in flight, but this really has renewed my appreciation of this feathered feat.


The garage called, time to pick the car up. Tired, I headed back to the garage, one eye still on the sky. In the distance I saw a crow, a handsome beast stood proud a top a roof.

And then my day ended as it began, ‘chis-ic, chis-ic’, a small pied wagtail flew on by!

That day I went on an urban safari … oh and also had a car MOT!


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Day 4 #30DaysWild

One of my favourite jobs at work was my first duty of today, an invertebrate survey in the Nature Reserve! The place is so beautiful and teeming with life! Everywhere I looked there was something to see!

Invert survey or a bug hunt, looking for those little gorgeous creatures is always rewarding!

Day 04

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My New Neighbourhood: Part 3

I found my new local patch. A stunning little SSSI just down the road from my new home.
My first visit there was quite by accident, it was the first place I explored! It was gorgeous, purple willowherb and creamy-white meadowsweet. I strolled the boardwalk admiring this little gem of a find, excited at everything I saw.

Rosebay WillowherbA view of the SSSI MeadowMeadowsweet and WillowherbBoardwalk round the SSSIChiffchaff

My second visit was a few days later, this time it was at golden hour. My goodness was the lighting wonderful! It made the place look totally anew!

A view of the meadow at golden hourBoardwalk in the warm lightMeadow at golden hourMeadow at golden hourMeadow at golden hour

A week or so later I visited again, the flowers are fading but the insect life has come out in force. The place is alive with dragonflies, squabbling Speckled Wood and various hungry hoverflies.

Brown HawkerBrown HawkerSpeckled WoodSquabbling Speckled WoodMNN-P3 14MNN-P3 16Common DarterCommon DarterI’m only just beginning my explorations, so I hope to find many more wild places to enjoy.
This summer has been quite a busy one.
A new home, new experiences and new adventures!

Panorama of the SSSI

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