Monthly Archives: November 2020

My photographs of the month for September and October

Here is my photographs for September and October. A little late but I hope that you enjoy them!

A moody, grey September day was prefect for a wild walk. All the hallmarks of autumn could be seen, felt and smelt. Trees laden with berries, but bare of leaves. Mushrooms pushing up through the fallen foliage. Birds everywhere, taking advantage of the time of plenty.

I saw this crow strutting across the ground, before picking a higher vantage point in the bare branches of a birch tree. So picture perfect I lifted my camera and this was the result!

Another autumnal day, this time the air was crisp and cold but the light was warm and golden. A great day to visit the park and watch the cheeky squirrels squabble over conkers and berries.

I watched one run down a yew tree trunk, completely oblivious to me. I managed to catch the very moment the squirrel noticed me!


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