Category Archives: British countryside

A beautiful day to (not) see a vulture!

Having heard about the rare and impressive Lammergeier visiting The Peak District, I was inspired to make a return visit.

The beautiful area was my home for the first few years of my life, and I have made returned visits since, but I hadn’t seen those beautiful rolling hills in about 10 years. It was wonderful to be back there! I headed first to Bakewell, but on seeing the crowds I headed straight out! Then on to Buxton, and from there I made the leap to the last known sighting of the Lammergeier (that day), Ladybower Reservoir. Finding a lay-by where a few other birders had gathered, I stopped and asked them if they had seen the illusive bird. They had watched the vulture fly over at 11:00 that morning, I was a few hours late! But my journey wasn’t in vain, I wanted to visit The Peaks, seeing the Vulture would just be a bonus. So I went on a hike up the heather covered hills. It was beautiful! Well worth the journey!

I had a wonderful day, The Peak District is a beautiful place, I hope I can return again soon!



#30DaysWild – Day 18 – Walking in the Rain!

When I looked out of the window this morning I was disappointed to see the clouds and rain. Even though it wasn’t the hot sunny day I had hoped for, I resolved that I would still go out for a walk.

I stayed local, walking along the canal near to me. It was a very peaceful, I watched the ripples on the surface of the water while listening to raindrops on the leaves above me. The ducks also seemed to be enjoying the weather!

I was pleasantly surprised to a fair amount of insects. Most perched on the reeds that lined the water way.

It was a worth while walk, even if I returned home more than a little damp!


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#30DaysWild – Day 14 – Burbage Common

I haven’t been to Burbage Common for quite a while, so today it was really nice to visit an old familiar wild site.

I walked through the peaceful gorgeous woodland, surrounded by lush vegetation and birdsong. I spotted a miniscule spider spinning a new web on a small sapling. I was of course delighted to see the obligatory squirrels that come with such a beautiful woodland.

As I wandered a little further I came to a gateway that open onto a meadow, full of buttercups and ox eye daisies. Butterflies that danced above the wildflowers and grasses. The beetles and bees were more busy, flying directly from flower to flower, but taking the time to drink from the colourful blooms.

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#30DaysWild – Day 12 – Woodland relaxation

I found a lush green patch of woodland, far from any other human being. I stood and listened, embracing the bliss that followed.

The songs of birds surrounded me – a chiffchaff’s rhythmic beat, the trill of a wren, the deeper melody of blackbirds.

The breeze shifted through the leaves, like waves on a beach. I felt the air move over my skin and through my hair.

Every sight, sound and sensation was perfect for relaxation!

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#30DaysWild – Day 3 – A countryside cycle

Despite the cool and cloudy weather, I did head outside today. I went for a 9 mile cycle through the beautiful British countryside.

I took the time to stop, admire the views and take a few photos! I was also lucky enough to see some great wildlife: Song thrush, mistle thrush, jay, blackbirds, robins, blue tits, yellowhammer, house martins, rabbits, hares and a speedy vole that narrowly escaping the wheels of an oncoming car!

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#30DaysWild – Day 2 – Making a bracelet

I got a little arts-and-crafty today, I decided I wanted to make a bracelet. I got everything sorted and headed outside. I chose a shady spot under some trees where I could watch and listen to the birds and get some fresh air, while making the bracelet.

As it is 30 Days Wild, I thought a wildlife pattern would be most appropriate. I found this pretty blue butterfly pattern to create. If you want to give it a try, you can find the instructions here:

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#30DaysWild – Day 1 – Visited Bradgate Park

Today I visited Bradgate Park, staying safe and socially distanced of course!

I was very pleased to see the many deer that reside there, as well as birds, bugs and beautiful flowers!

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#30DaysWild – highlights from 2019

Here are my highlights from #30DaysWild 2019. Moving house, while working full time and joining in with 30 Days Wild wasn’t easy, but it was very worth it!

One of the best things I have done all month is putting up the bird feeder in my new home. It didn’t take long for the birds to find it! I now have regular visits from Blue Tits, Great Tits, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Robins, Blackbirds, Sparrows. I also have Collared Doves and Wood Pigeons hovering up the dropped crumbs. Winding down from a day at work, I now find myself sitting with my cuppa and watching my new feathered friends!

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#30DaysWild – Day 30 – Landscapes and wildlife of the Severn Valley Railway

An annual tradition is to attend the Severn Valley Railway 1940’s weekend. It is a lot of fun, full of human history, beautifully engineered engines, stunning scenic landscapes and if you look closely, fabulous wildlife. Not forgetting the pint and chips whilst overlooking the river!

It has been an extraordinarily hot day, but it has also been a great one!

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#30DaysWild – Day 16 – Bradgate Park wild weekend

As it was Bradgate Park’s Wild Weekend, I thought I would pop along and see what was going on. I have been the last few years and have really enjoyed myself and this year was not an exception. The stands of all the wildlife and conservation organisations were all very interesting, the people manning them were clearly all very passionate. I will look forward to next year’s event!

The walk to and from the event was full of wildlife – cheeky jackdaws, fuzzy little ducklings, pollen covered bees, noisy grasshoppers and of course the park’s resident deer.

A thoroughly pleasant day and a very welcome break from the rain!

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