Monthly Archives: June 2020

#30DaysWild – Day 30 – Morecambe: Wild Weather, Wild Art and Wildlife!

Today I took a trip out to Morecambe, I had never been before and I was very excited to be by the sea!

The weather was wild! The wind was so strong I am amazed to still be on my feet! The sand blew up off the beach and was drifting on the sea front, it was like walking through sand paper! Once clear of the sand, I had the chance to look around the tidal area, the mudflats looked desolate, moody, awe-inspiring! A perfect place for sea birds.

The occasional bird struggled to fly against the wind, or whipped passed in the opposite direction! A few had given up and had just sat down in the seaweed and mud! I saw Herring Gulls, Lesser Black-Backed Gulls, Black-Headed Gulls, Crows, Magpies, Pigeons, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pied Wagtails, 2 Terns and 2 Oystercatchers.

One thing that really impressed me was how the town had embraced the bird life that visited the bay. The was sculptures and art in honour of many different species; some were individual pieces, other decorated bollards or fence lines.


I’m home now and feeling rather wind swept, happy and exhausted from my thrilling day by the sea!

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#30DaysWild – Day 29 – A Common Spotted Orchid

While driving home from the supermarket, I took a exploratory turn up a small country lane. To my delight, it lead to the most beautiful wild spot I had never seen before! I couldn’t stay too long, so I will go back, I definitely need to investigate this hidden gem.

In the short time I was there, I was very happy to find a small patch of Common Spotted Orchids! Absolutely beautiful flowers!


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#30DaysWild – Day 28 – Went for a bat walk!

Today, despite the wind, I decided that I would take evening stroll with my bat detector. I knew the patch I wanted to visit, a nearby canal tunnel that comes out onto a wooded area. It is always teeming with bats and tonight was no different.

Using my bat detector I was able hear and identify the bats as Common and Soprano Pipistrelles. As they whipped overhead I was also able to see and film them.

I did take the time to just watch these tiny flying mammals. A few swirled around where I stood while others darted down the tree line. Bats are fascinating creatures with incredible aerobatic skills. This was a truly thrilling experience!

Bat Walk

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#30DaysWild – Day 27 – My First Fritillary Butterfly!

In between the wind and rain were breaks of sun and blue skies today. It was during one of those I went for walk through a local park. In a sheltered corner a buddleia grew, I went to admire the purple blooms, hoping to spot some insects enjoying the plant plentiful nectar. I saw a very special sight, a Dark Green Fritillary! It was such a beautiful and busy butterfly, it stayed for a few minutes before it was off and on its way.

I have never had the good fortune to see a Fritillary before, so today was an exciting first for me, I’m sure it will not be the last.

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#30DaysWild – Day 26 – Peregrines on Worcester Cathedral

You may have noticed from my Twitter account or here on my blog, I have a special place in my heart for Peregrine Falcons. None more so than the ones in Worcester.

It was a rather special treat yesterday to be able to spend several hours watching the falcon family that reside on the Cathedral. I admired them as they rested on the tower, perched ever looking the powerful predator. There was a successful hunt too, a Wood Pigeon was the meal of choice. As the feathers were plucked and floated away, the demanding juvenile screeched in expectation!

Worcester Cathedral is an impressive building and landmark, it is made even more special to me by the Peregrines that have made it their home!

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#30DaysWild – Day 25 – Drew a wild comic strip

Inspired by my trip to the comic book stores of Birmingham and the wildlife I see everyday, I drew a comic strip of the wildlife I have seen in my local area. It took me all day! I used my own photos for reference, hand drew the draft and then digitally coloured it in. My way of celebrating the art of comic books and the wildlife I love!

Wildlife comic strip

Hand drawn comic strip

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#30DaysWild – Day 24 – Spider at sunset

As it was blisteringly hot today, I didn’t venture out until late. I decided to take a drive with the car windows open, allowing the wind to cool me down. It wasn’t a long drive, but it was down the local country lanes. It was an exploration of sorts.

I passed a junction that went over an old stone bridge, it intrigue me. Only a few hundred meters down the road was a car park, so I pulled up and took a walk. The area was cool and had the fresh smell that a river has at the end of a hot summers day. Perfect!

Once on the bridge, I saw a hungry spider having a feast. Its web was covered in tiny flies, and the handsome predator was moving quickly from meal to meal. Behind the spider was the golden glow of the setting sun. Glorious!


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#30DayWild – Day 23 – Cygnets

Today I decided to take a trip out to Warwick, I had never been before so it was an interesting trip.

It is a beautiful town, full of history and more importantly wildlife! I watched the Swifts fly high over the buildings, a few butterflies flutter down the street and admired the plants that had found the tiniest crack in the ancient city walls in which to grow!

I made a point of visiting the river, it was beautiful. The waters were clear, you could see huge shoals of fish. The waters were clearly cool as people were boating and swimming along the shallows.

All these people meant that the group of cygnets, watched carefully by their parents, got a lot of attention. Making their adorable ‘peep-peep-peep-peep’ calls as they paddled along. They were the perfect conclusion to my day!

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#30DaysWild – Day 22 – Doorstep bug hunt!

I decided to mark the beginning of National Insect Week with a bug hunt on my doorstep. It’s amazing how much life you can find with just one step outside!

I saw the ant nests busying along the step, several species of wasp (including a ruby-tailed wasp) sunning themselves on the warm house bricks, caterpillars and beetles resting in amongst the garden greenery. I even saw a leaf-cutter bee fly into a nest right at the edge of the door frame, it was the first time I’d seen it, I hope it won’t be the last.

I spotted more than just insects, I watched mites wandering around the white of the door itself, spiders poised in out-of-sight corners waiting for prey, and a solitary snail hidden away in the shade of leaves.

I was only outside for half an hour, but I could have stayed and watched all day.


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#30DaysWild – Day 21 – Buzzard on the Breeze

Today I watched a Buzzard skilfully surf the air currents of a stormy sky.




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