Category Archives: International birding

My evening with Rainbow Lorikeets

There were many magical things that I was able to witness while I was holidaying in Australia. The evening I spent watching rainbow lorikeets is one from the top of the list!

I had a free evening to find a place to eat and enjoy a beer. Strolling up to the main area of the town I was staying in, I watched many species of bird coming and going. All clearly heading home for a safe restful night, all calling to each other. Some starting to form flocks.

I chose a bar with outdoor seating, and sat back to enjoy the cool refreshing lager and the ever growing flocks of birds. The main species was rainbow lorikeets. I had come across them before, both earlier in my trip and on a previous visit to Australia (10 years previous). I had quite a fondness for the brightly coloured birds, fantastic characters.

The lorikeet flock grew in numbers, they started flying lower over the main street. With that came the unbelievable noise! It was deafening and amazing! They would circle, coming back over head, with more birds in their group! The locals at the bar didn’t blink an eye, they didn’t even raise an eyebrow to acknowledge the natural spectacle around them! I was in awe.

Still the numbers grew and so did the noise!

Then I spotted a bird that wasn’t like the others, a peregrine falcon! It flew over twice, I didn’t anything in its talons, so I hope all the Lorikeets got home to roost that night!

Once I finished my beer, I headed up the street. Four palms framed the main crossing of the High Street. This was the chosen roost of the hndreds of lorikeets I had been watching, and they were all in those trees. The noise was incredible! They may have been coming into to roost, but the birds were not ready to settle yet. They continued to call and squawk to each other, flitting between the trees for quite some time!

I was able to take some photographs and video to the moment, but it pales in comparison to being there in person! I do hope it gives you an idea of the sights and sounds I saw.

I am so glad I chose that bar, that beer and the seat outside. What I witnessed may not have been anything new to the residence of that small town, but for me, it was a memory to last a life time!

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Australian encounters: Parrots and Kookaburras!

On my holiday to Australia in February, I had the good fortune to be able to photograph many different species of wildlife. The colourful and often noisy birds, cute mammals, fascinating lizards and the many species of gorgeous insects I encountered will, I hope, all be blogged about in the near future.

As it’s World Parrot Day, I thought I would share with you the photographs of some parrot species I saw on my holiday. I managed to spy a few more species than I was able to photograph, I was most excited to see a King Parrot even if it was only for a split second! I have also included a short video of a pair of noisy but charming Little Corellas!

I have included some photographs of kookaburras because they are as iconic as the beautiful and colourful parrots of Australia!

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Australian encounters: Water birds

On my holiday to Australia in February, I had the good fortune to be able to photograph many different species of wildlife. The colourful and often noisy birds, cute mammals, fascinating lizards and the many species of gorgeous insects I encountered will, I hope, all be blogged about in the near future.

During my trip I was never far from water, I stayed near the Manning River and a lagoon! I also visited many beaches, ports and harbours. Along the way I saw some spectacular birds; gulls, terns, cormorants, pelicans to name a few.

I thought I would share some of these photos with you here today. You may notice, I do have a particular fondness for Silver Gulls!

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Australian encounters: Beetles

On my holiday to Australia in February, I had the good fortune to be able to photograph many different species of wildlife. The colourful and often noisy birds, cute mammals, fascinating lizards and the many species of gorgeous insects I encountered will, I hope, all be blogged about in the near future.

Today it is the turn of the beautiful beetles! Shining gems of the insect world! Only a few photographed (and one was a ladybird!), but they are a gorgeous group of insects!


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Australian encounters: Magpies and Butchers birds

On my holiday to Australia in February, I had the good fortune to be able to photograph many different species of wildlife. The colourful and often noisy birds, cute mammals, fascinating lizards and the many species of gorgeous insects I encountered will, I hope, all be blogged about in the near future.

The focus of this blog is of Australian Magpie and Pied Butcher Birds. They are more monochromatic than some of Australia’s other birds, but what they lack in colour they make up for in character!

The photos I want to share with you are of two families of Australian magpies and butcher birds. The first six photos are of the families, but the last two photos are the juveniles being playful. To my amusement the juvenile magpie rolled on its back while a juvenile butcher bird tugged on its tail! The tussle went on for a few minutes before the magpie stood up, face to face with the young butcher bird. Moments later both families went on the merry way.

There are so many incredible species to be found in Australia, something I discovered on my first visit. Colourful parrots, iconic kookaburras, fancy pigeons among many others. Those are memorable for their beauty but when it comes to songs, there is nothing more soft and fluting as that of the butcher bird, that is recorded in the video at the end of this blog.

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Australian Raven versus a crisp packet!

If you have seen my recent blogs you will know I am sharing the wildlife experiences I had during my holiday in Australia

One of my favourite moments happened while enjoying a cuppa at a cafe in the suburbs of Sydney. I watched this plucky Raven battle with a crisp packet. It didn’t care that I was sat at the table opposite, it had a challenge! The Raven put the packet of Twisties Cheese on the table and preceded to try and get at the food inside. The table was squeaky clean with no grip, the packet slid all over the place! Once a crisp was finally plucked from the packet, the Raven had another challenge! The bird stepped onto the snack so it could be pecked at, and the crisp shifted under the bird’s weight. Finally the Raven gained balance and control of the situation. It stood defiantly pecking at its lunch, enjoying some well earned fast food. I have never seen a bird work so hard and look so proud at defeating a packet of crisps!

Raven (1)Raven (2)Raven (3)Raven (5)Raven (6)Raven (4)


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Australian encounters: Pigeons!

On my holiday to Australia in February, I had the good fortune to be able to photograph many different species of wildlife. The colourful and often noisy birds, cute mammals, fascinating lizards and the many species of gorgeous insects I encountered will, I hope, all be blogged about in the near future.

Today I want share the photos of the different species of pigeons I saw! I do love pigeons, I think they are very unappreciated! I have a particular fondness for the crested pigeon, as it has rather cool punk look about it!

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About the Bird!

My brother moved to Australia a few years ago and, although I’d never really wanted to visit that far away continent, the desire to see my brother’s new home inspired me to pick up my trusty backpack and head Down Under!

I stayed with my brother in Manly – a suburb of Northern Sydney – and was there for quite a few weeks. During my time there I found myself a local patch; the beach.

Saling boat of the beautiful bright blue horizon!

One particular sunny day I sat with a cuppa at breakfast time and watched sailing boats drift across the beautiful bright blue horizon. It occurred to me that this was a prefect day to visit the beach, so off I trotted.

Garden Spider

Garden Spiders were hanging in the centre of their webs, laced between the garden bushes. Despite Australia’s reputation for having dangerous arachnids this particular species of spider is not one to worry about, even if they do look rather large!



Continuing down the street I passed a wall covered in tiny, brightly-reflecting stripes. Small Skinks, basking on the bricks heated by the sun, slipped quickly into gaps in the mortar hoping to go unnoticed.

I walked down the beach to the high street of Manly called ‘The Corso’. I bought my lunch there and ate while sat on the rocks looking out to sea. That is where I first spotted my ‘study’ for the day.

Gerald!Taking off!

Investigating rock poolsAll ruffled up!

The crab is caught!Bird's eye view!

Coming in to land

A White Faced Heron stalked the rock pools of the north end of the beach, completely obvious to the world around it. It walked passed fisherman, rock pooling children ran past it and passers by… just passed by! Relishing in my newly-purchased telescopic lens, I followed the heron at a respectful distance photographing it; watching it hunt and occasionally ruffle its feathers when a wave caught it. I gained a huge fondness of this one bird and named it Gerald! But don’t worry, that was as far as the anthropomorphising went!

Crab!Crab preparing!

Gerald stalked the rock pools for small, well camouflaged crabs. Each crab was prepared for swallowing by the careful removal of legs and claws.

Diver sculptureOctopus Sculpture

After some time I left my new-found friend and walked up to Shelly Beach. Little metal sculptures had been in set into the rocks bordering the walk way.


A lone Gannet circled in the distance against the ever-changing backdrop of the sky. It’s quite wonderful to see something glide so gracefully then, in an instant, change into a dart!

White Faced HeronWhite Faced Heron

White Faced HeronWhite Faced Heron

On my return walk I found Gerald still stalking the rock pools. I join him on the rocks, and sat to watch him for a while longer. My fondness was rewarded when he came and sat a few meters from me, enabling me to get a few ‘portrait’ shots of this handsome bird. Finally the White Face Heron departed and I continued on my way.

Silver GullA Silver Gull in the surf!

Before the light faded a Silver Gull flew pass me and landed in the surf. An everyday bird to some, but to others they are smart looking, with a striking red beak and legs.

My day was done. There’s no dusk to be found, only a change from light to dark like a switch being thrown. It was time to head home and crack open an Aussie beer!

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