#30DaysWild – Day 30 – Visited an old wild haunt!

Today I visited a nature reserve I hadn’t been for a few years, Avon Meadows Community Wetlands at the edge of Pershore. It was I place I use to regularly visit, so I wondered what changes I would see.

I have seen so many wild patches turned into housing estates. A small field becoming a cramped area of brick, mortar and tarmac. Nothing wild left or even welcome. So I was worried I would arrive to see this lovely wetlands gone. A forgotten memory of something green and good.

But I needn’t have worried. Not only was the place still there, but clearly there have been great efforts to enhance the area for wildlife. There was an area with no public access, a bird hide and a sculpture of a heron.

I was thrilled to see that this beautiful place had been embraced and was clearly cared about!

Day 30


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